A reflection on the future of our cities

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Our cities are evolving, driven by technological, social, demographic, and environmental transformations that will shape the next 50 years. How can we address these changes?

add to calendar 10/10/2024 9:00 10/10/2024 20:00 Europe/Rome Coima Inspiring CIties 2024

The cities of the future
COIMA turns 50. An important moment to reflect on the future of cities through a book, a hackathon, and an event. Thinking about how our species will continue to gather and what resilient and sustainable city models might be, considering the disruptive structural trends that have already begun to shape the path for the next fifty years, is a complex challenge but also an essential one for those of us making decisions that will have an impact for at least decades to come. This is why we wanted to address the topic of cities with students, rectors, architects, institutions, investors, and thinkers, sharing thoughts that we hope will be generative for all those who wish to take the time to pause with us, to flip through the book or listen to the stories of those who inspire us and have inspired us.




10:00 Welcome
Manfredi Catella, Founder & CEO COIMA

10:10 Opening
Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan
Anna Maria Bernini, Minister of Universities and Research

10:20 Introduction
Andrea Sironi, President, Università Luigi Bocconi

10:25 Inspiring Cities University Hackathon
Moderator: Paola Pierotti, Co-founder, PPAN

10:30 Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Introduction – Giovanna Iannantuoni, Rector, President of the CRUI Foundation (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Patricia Viel (ACPV)

10:45 Università Luigi Bocconi
Introduction – Francesco Billari, Rector (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Cino Zucchi (CZA)

11:00 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Introduction – Elena Beccalli, Rector (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
James von Klemperer (KPF)

11:15 Università degli Studi di Milano

Introduction – Marina Brambilla, Rector (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Colin Koop (SOM)

11:30 Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Introduction – Renato Baciocchi, Director Department of Civil and Computer Engineering (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Stefano Boeri (Boeri Studio)

11:45 Roma Tre Università degli Studi
Introduction – Paola Marrone, Delegate for Environmental Sustainability Policies (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Michele De Lucchi (AMDL Circle)

12:00 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Introduction – Roberto Mordacci, Pro-rector for Humanities and Social Sciences (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Bernardo Fort-Brescia (Arquitectonica)

12:15 Break

12:45 LUISS University
Introduction – Christian Fernando Iaione, Professor of Urban Law and Policy and Public Law of Innovation and Sustainability (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Andreas Kipar (Land)

13:00 Humanitas University
Introduction – Luigi Maria Terracciano, Rector (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Fabio Novembre (Fabio Novembre Studio)

13:15 Politecnico di Milano
Introduction – Donatella Sciuto, Rector (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Lee Polisano (PLP Architects)

13:30 Sapienza Università di Roma
Introduction – Alessandra Capuano, Director of the Department of Architecture and Design (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Kim Herforth Nielsen (3XN)

13:45 IULM Università di comunicazione e lingue
Introduction – Gianni Canova, Rector (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Michele Rossi (Park Associati)

14:00 Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Introduction – Eugenio Guglielmelli, Rector (5’)
Presentation by Team (5’)
Contribution by Architects (5’)
Christopher Choa (Outcomist)

14:15 Break

14:20 Finalists announcement and closing remarks
Ferruccio Resta, President of the Milan Polytechnic Foundation and the Bruno Kessler Foundation, Board Member of COIMA REM


18:00 Welcome & Introduction to Inspiring Cities
Manfredi Catella

18:15 Opening
Attilio Fontana, President of the Lombardy Region
Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Economy and Finance

18:25 Spirituality
H.E.R. Mons. Erminio De Scalzi

18:35 Next 50 years: disruptive trends
Andrea Bertelè, Partner, McKinsey & Company
Christopher Choa, Director and Founder, Outcomist

18:55 Cities of the future
Francesco Rutelli, President, Anica – Italian Association of the film industry, in dialogue with Andrée Ruth Shammah, Director, Franco Parenti Theatre

19:15 Discussion
Matteo Del Fante, CEO Poste Italiane
Maria Bianca Farina, President, ANIA Foundation – National Association of Insurance Companies
Raffaello Ruggieri, Chief Lending Officer, Intesa Sanpaolo
Gelsomina Vigliotti, Vice President, European Investment Bank
Moderator: Paola Dezza, Real Estate editor-in-chief, Il Sole 24 Ore

19:45 Awards of Inspiring Cities University Hackathon
Ferruccio Resta, President of the Milan Polytechnic Foundation and the Bruno Kessler Foundation

20:00 Inspiring Cities
Alida, Kelly, and Manfredi Catella in dialogue with Fulvio Irace, architect and architectural historian and curator of the publication Inspiring Cities

20:15 Closing remarks



Our cities are evolving, driven by technological, social, demographic and environmental transformations that will mark the next 50 years. How can we deal with changes? Fill out the survey to let us know your vision of the cities of the future.
